So, I figured I'd jot something down to start us off.

I've finally decided to join the parade and add my bit to the bucket-load of W-H guides scattered around the Internet.  And now I'm here to add to this calamity!

Well let's boot us off with some introductions.  Some of you might know me on W-H as Undwing.  Being an active custom artist and betatester for Wolf-Haven, and member of the site for at least two years by now- I'm no site veteran.  But I know my way around, and adding up my experiences of lurking through the forums, I've picked up some bits and pieces of the workings of the site.  Of course, this is still a major work in progress- so excuse me for any lack of information.
Everything will be completed eventually, I just hope you guys are patient enough to bear with me!  Throughout these next few pages, I will be explaining how to navigate, introduce some of the functions, and summarize as much as I can.  And for anybody wondering, and considering getting involved in this site- I encourage you take the chance!  Sure, when you're new, things can be a bit scary at first, but just jump for it.  You'll find the community can be quite welcoming.

But I figure I should start letting you guys in on the plans, eh?
Well, here's the list:
  • Pack Listings
  • Coding Help & Advice
  • Navigation (Community, Edit Account, etc.)
  • Forum Spotlights
  • Weekly 'Features' (Artshops, Roleplays, Auctions, etc.)
  • Map / Gameplay
  • PvA, PvP
  • Hunting / Item Drops
  • Extras

Any suggestions, tips, your own two cents. Leave them in a comment, and let me know what you think. -Und

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    What is This?

    Welcome to the Haveners' Report.  Here I will be discussing multiple topics concerning Wolf-Haven and its activities.  Feel free to search the archives below, and if you feel anything important could be brought up in the next update, go ahead and shoot me a message or leave a suggestion in the comments.
    Thank you! - Und


    February 2013

